

RISE Risk Adjustment Forum
May 13-15, 2025
Westlake Village, CA


Tuesday - May 13, 2025

11:30 AM 12:30 PM

10:30 AM 11:30 AM

9:30 AM 10:30 AM

8:30 AM 9:30 AM

Networking Breakfast

11:30 AM 7:00 PM

10:30 AM 6:00 PM

9:30 AM 5:00 PM

8:30 AM 4:00 PM

Registration Desk Open

12:30 PM 8:00 PM

11:30 AM 7:00 PM

10:30 AM 6:00 PM

9:30 AM 5:00 PM

Workshop A: Risk Adjustment Practitioner

  • The essentials of and differences between Medicare Advantage, Commercial and Medicaid risk adjustment
  • Understanding how risk scores are calculated  
  • Making sense of varying payment models  
  • An intro into using data and predictive analytics to optimize your risk adjustment practices  
  • Tools for achieving data accuracy  
  • Where do we stand with the transition from RAPS to EDS? The latest in a long journey  
  • Provider engagement strategies that will impact your risk adjustment initiatives  
  • Risk adjustment vendor selection and management  
  • Determining whether you need RA vendors  
  • How do you effectively vet potential vendors and ultimately select them?  
  • Strategies for on-going, thorough vendor management  
  • The future of risk adjustment – what you need to know to stay ahead of possible changes  
  • Initial steps for preparing for a RADV audit  
  • Which staff is essential to overseeing your RADV audit prep?  
  • Staying ahead – key items to monitor well in advance of an actual audit  

Laura Sheriff, RN, MSN, CPC, CRC,
Risk Adjustment Consultant, Vice President, Risk Adjustment  
Southwestern Health Resources 

Ava Johnson, Associate Director, Ambulatory CDQI  
Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC 

*Additional Registration Required*

Registration for this workshop includes lunch and refreshment breaks.

12:30 PM 8:00 PM

11:30 AM 7:00 PM

10:30 AM 6:00 PM

9:30 AM 5:00 PM

Workshop B: Advanced HCC Auditor

The HCC Coding for Accuracy workshop is not just for those directly involved in HCC coding work. It is designed for other disciplines, as well, including finance and analytics professionals. Join us for an introduction to best practices, the opportunity to work through case examples, and to share experiences with your peers. This workshop will zero-in on regulatory compliance while teaching you how to optimize the accuracy of the information gathered and submitted at the practice level. What you will also learn about the way charting is often done, how to overcome “disconnect” with the clinicians and how their typical charting practices and EMRs can create significant problems, and how RADV views documentation in contrast with the way clinicians were taught and EMRs were built initially. Please note: Attendees are encouraged to bring questions to pose to our expert workshop facilitators and to table for the group. We provide your workbook which includes copies of the slide deck. You will not need your coding manuals, but most people bring a laptop or a tablet, as well, for note-taking.   

Dialogue, interact and work in small, facilitated groups with peers and colleagues   

  • Understanding the financial overlay – HCC codes mapping to risk adjustment scores   
  • A single coding and documentation process for  
  • Risk adjustment   
  • Skill development on choosing diagnoses from portions of the encounter – permitted and not permitted   
  • Clinical documentation barriers for risk adjustment purposes (data validation audit risks)  


Deb Curry, MBA, RHIA, CCS-P, CRC, RAP, AHCCA, Director Risk Adjustment & Recoveries,   
Paramount Healthcare/ProMedica Health System    

Susan Waterman RHIT, CCS, CPC, CRC, Director of Risk Adjustment,  
Baylor Scott and White Healthcare 


*Additional Registration Required*

Registration for this workshop includes lunch and refreshment breaks.

12:30 PM 4:00 PM

11:30 AM 3:00 PM

10:30 AM 2:00 PM

9:30 AM 1:00 PM

Workshop C: Mastering ACA Risk Adjustment

This interactive workshop will provide a comprehensive understanding of ACA risk adjustment, its financial implications, and best practices for accurate data submission and compliance. Attendees will gain actionable insights into risk score optimization, audit preparedness, and regulatory updates to ensure their organizations effectively navigate ACA risk adjustment requirements. 

  • Understand the Purpose and Mechanics of ACA Risk Adjustment 
  • Interpret Risk Adjustment Methodologies and Payment Transfers 
  • Ensure Compliance with ACA Risk Adjustment Data Requirements 
  • Enhance Risk Adjustment Data Integrity and Submission Accuracy 
  • Prepare for RADV Audits 
  • Develop an internal audit readiness plan to mitigate compliance risks 
  • Stay Ahead of Policy Changes and Future Regulatory Updates 


Wynda Clayton  
Specialist, Risk Adjustment   

Donna Malone, CPC, CRC, AAPC Approved Instructor, AHCCA, RAP 
Director Clinical Documentation and Quality Improvement (CDQI) 


*Additional Registration Required*

Registration for this workshop includes lunch and refreshment breaks.

8:00 PM 9:00 PM

7:00 PM 8:00 PM

6:00 PM 7:00 PM

5:00 PM 6:00 PM

Networking Cocktail Reception

Join us for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and face-to-face networking with peers.  

Wednesday - May 14, 2025

10:50 AM 11:50 AM

9:50 AM 10:50 AM

8:50 AM 9:50 AM

7:50 AM 8:50 AM

Networking Breakfast

11:00 AM 7:00 AM

10:00 AM 6:00 AM

9:00 AM 5:00 AM

8:00 AM 4:00 AM

Registration Desk Open

10:50 AM 9:15 PM

9:50 AM 8:15 PM

8:50 AM 7:15 PM

7:50 AM 6:15 PM

Exhibit Hall Open

11:50 AM 12:00 PM

10:50 AM 11:00 AM

9:50 AM 10:00 AM

8:50 AM 9:00 AM

Welcome Remarks

12:00 PM 12:40 PM

11:00 AM 11:40 AM

10:00 AM 10:40 AM

9:00 AM 9:40 AM

Keynote Address

To be announced  

12:40 PM 1:25 PM

11:40 AM 12:25 PM

10:40 AM 11:25 AM

9:40 AM 10:25 AM

Regulatory Priorities for 2025: Navigating Changes

  • Analyze the latest OIG findings and recommendations related to risk adjustment, including common compliance risks and areas of heightened scrutiny 
  • Implement best practices for proactive fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA) prevention, ensuring alignment with OIG compliance expectation 
  • Develop proactive strategies for adapting to risk adjustment changes while optimizing plan performance and revenue integrity 

1:25 PM 1:50 PM

12:25 PM 12:50 PM

11:25 AM 11:50 AM

10:25 AM 10:50 AM

Networking Break

1:50 PM 2:35 PM

12:50 PM 1:35 PM

11:50 AM 12:35 PM

10:50 AM 11:35 AM

CMS Regulation Update: Key Policy Changes Impacting Risk Adjustment and Part D Compliance

  • Examine the latest CMS regulations affecting Medicare Advantage and Part D 
  • Discuss key compliance risks and oversight strategies to navigate CMS audits and policy enforcement 
  • Analyze the key provisions outlined in the 2026 Announcement and its potential impact on Medicare Advantage and Part D programs 

2:35 PM 2:40 PM

1:35 PM 1:40 PM

12:35 PM 12:40 PM

11:35 AM 11:40 AM

Session Transition

Concurrent Session 2:40 PM - 3:25 PM 1:40 PM - 2:25 PM 12:40 PM - 1:25 PM 11:40 AM - 12:25 PM
Track Chairs:

2:40 PM 3:25 PM

1:40 PM 2:25 PM

12:40 PM 1:25 PM

11:40 AM 12:25 PM

Track A: Financial Strategies

Protecting Your Revenue: Strengthening Auditing Programs for Financial Stability

  • Examine the evolving challenges in revenue protection, including the impact of shifting reimbursement models and regulatory scrutiny 
  • Identify key strategies for implementing robust internal auditing programs to ensure revenue integrity and compliance 
  • Develop proactive measures to detect and prevent revenue leakage through improved documentation and coding accuracy 


Jenni Monfils, CPC, CDEO, CRC | AVP, Risk Adjustment Coding and Compliance 

Molina HealthCare   

2:40 PM 3:25 PM

1:40 PM 2:25 PM

12:40 PM 1:25 PM

11:40 AM 12:25 PM

Track B: Member Engagement & Care

Engaging Members, Enhancing Risk Adjustment: The Power of a Patient-Centered Approach

  • Analyze the connection between member engagement, risk score accuracy, and financial sustainability  
  • Identify strategies to close gaps in care through proactive outreach, chronic disease management, and preventive screenings 
  • Evaluate how addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) impacts risk scores and improves patient adherence to treatment plans 


Eric Hansen, DO, FAAFP, Physician  
Hansen Medical 

Kei Shao Tikkanen, Senior Manager, BoI Strategic Initiatives 
Cityblock Health 

Amy Jack, RHIA, CRC, CCA, Director of Risk Adjustment 
Select Health

Concurrent Session 3:25 PM - 3:40 PM 2:25 PM - 2:40 PM 1:25 PM - 1:40 PM 12:25 PM - 12:40 PM
Track Chairs:

3:25 PM 3:40 PM

2:25 PM 2:40 PM

1:25 PM 1:40 PM

12:25 PM 12:40 PM

Track A: Financial Strategies

Tools & Technology Spotlights Presented by Biomedix

Leading service providers will showcase their offerings in a quick-pitch setting. Evaluate the latest and greatest tech tools to bring back to your organization.

Chris Trygstad, Vice President, Product 

3:25 PM 3:40 PM

2:25 PM 2:40 PM

1:25 PM 1:40 PM

12:25 PM 12:40 PM

Track B: Member Engagement & Care

Tools & Technology Spotlights

Leading service providers will showcase their offerings in a quick-pitch setting. Evaluate the latest and greatest tech tools to bring back to your organization.

3:40 PM 4:35 PM

2:40 PM 3:35 PM

1:40 PM 2:35 PM

12:40 PM 1:35 PM

Networking Lunch

Concurrent Session 4:35 PM - 5:20 PM 3:35 PM - 4:20 PM 2:35 PM - 3:20 PM 1:35 PM - 2:20 PM
Track Chairs:

4:35 PM 5:20 PM

3:35 PM 4:20 PM

2:35 PM 3:20 PM

1:35 PM 2:20 PM

Track A: Financial Strategies

Maximizing Resource Allocation and Team Dynamics: Tactics to Stay Efficient and Effective

  • Analyze how budget constraints impact education efforts and identify cost-effective alternatives to maintain engagement 
  • Identify best practices for optimizing team roles and workflows to ensure efficiency despite workforce limitations 
  • Evaluate how small health plans can leverage technology and automation to enhance productivity and minimize manual workload 


Jeannine Bumford, Director, Risk Adjustment Operations 
Christus Health 

Matt Ringler, Finance Manager, Health Plans 
Christus Health 

4:35 PM 5:20 PM

3:35 PM 4:20 PM

2:35 PM 3:20 PM

1:35 PM 2:20 PM

Track B: Member Engagement & Care

Enhancing Care Management for High-Risk Populations

  • Examine the impact of home-based care programs on risk scores, compliance, and patient outcomes 
  • Evaluate how leading organizations are integrating home health services, remote patient monitoring, and in-home assessments into their risk adjustment models 
  • Discuss best practices for leveraging AI, predictive analytics, and data-sharing technologies to improve documentation accuracy 


Hemanshu Patel, MD, CMO, CMtO,   
CareMD Inc 

5:20 PM 5:25 PM

4:20 PM 4:25 PM

3:20 PM 3:25 PM

2:20 PM 2:25 PM

Session Transition

Concurrent Session 5:25 PM - 6:10 PM 4:25 PM - 5:10 PM 3:25 PM - 4:10 PM 2:25 PM - 3:10 PM
Track Chairs:

5:25 PM 6:10 PM

4:25 PM 5:10 PM

3:25 PM 4:10 PM

2:25 PM 3:10 PM

Track : Financial Strategies

Strengthening Payment Integrity in Value-Based Care Models

  • Develop best practices for ensuring payment integrity through proactive audits, provider education, and data-driven oversight 
  • Identify common risks associated with over coding and improper payments and explore strategies to mitigate fraud, waste, and abuse 
  • Evaluate the impact of payment integrity efforts on financial sustainability, regulatory compliance, and overall program success 


Colleen Gianatasio, Director Clinical Documentation Integrity and Coding Compliance 

Capital District Physician’s Health Plan (CDPHP) 

5:25 PM 6:10 PM

4:25 PM 5:10 PM

3:25 PM 4:10 PM

2:25 PM 3:10 PM

Track B: Member Engagement & Care

Operational Excellence in Risk Adjustment: Strategies for Success

  • Implement effective workflows and best practices to streamline operations and enhance efficiency 
  • Leverage technology and data analytics to improve accuracy in coding and documentation 
  • Apply practical solutions to common operational challenges, ensuring scalability and long-term sustainability 



Jimmy Liu, VP Analytics and MRR Solutions



Laura Sheriff, RN, MSN, CPC, CRC, Risk Adjustment Industry Expert 


Ava Johnson, Associate Director, Ambulatory CDQI  

Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC 

6:10 PM 6:35 PM

5:10 PM 5:35 PM

4:10 PM 4:35 PM

3:10 PM 3:35 PM

Networking Break

Concurrent Session 6:35 PM - 7:20 PM 5:35 PM - 6:20 PM 4:35 PM - 5:20 PM 3:35 PM - 4:20 PM
Track Chairs:

6:35 PM 7:20 PM

5:35 PM 6:20 PM

4:35 PM 5:20 PM

3:35 PM 4:20 PM

Track A: Financial Strategies

RADV Preparedness: Strategies for Compliance and Risk Mitigation

  • Examine the impact of the recently released CY 2018 RADV audits, highlighting the necessity of reconciling risk adjustment data  
  • Analyze how the new RADV extrapolation methodology will be applied and what it means for future MA audits 
  • Develop best practices for proactive internal audits, provider education, and documentation improvement 


Wynda Clayton  
Specialist, Risk Adjustment  

Martha Goodlin, Senior Director, Risk Adjustment 
Rebellis Group 


6:35 PM 7:20 PM

5:35 PM 6:20 PM

4:35 PM 5:20 PM

3:35 PM 4:20 PM

Track B: Member Engagement & Care

Optimizing Clinical Documentation Integrity: Avoiding Errors and Maximizing Compliance

  • Identify common documentation gaps and coding errors that affect risk scores and develop strategies to address them 
  • Evaluate the evolving regulatory landscape and compliance requirements to ensure CDI programs align with industry standards and payer expectations 
  • Utilize technology, AI-driven tools, and data analytics to improve documentation accuracy and streamline workflows 

Thomas Shankle, Vice President of Payer Strategy & Success 
Virtix Health 

Emily Crooks, APRN, FNP-C,
Director, Population Health 
Affinity Health Group, LLC 

7:20 PM 7:25 PM

6:20 PM 6:25 PM

5:20 PM 5:25 PM

4:20 PM 4:25 PM

Session Transition

7:25 PM 8:10 PM

6:25 PM 7:10 PM

5:25 PM 6:10 PM

4:25 PM 5:10 PM

Bridging Social Determinants of Health & Social Services

  • Identify key SDoH factors affecting health outcomes and their impact on care utilization and cost 
  • Understand how documenting SDoH with ICD-10 Z codes affects risk adjustment and reimbursement 
  • Learn how to build sustainable partnerships that improve access to essential services and support whole-person care 

8:10 PM 8:15 PM

7:10 PM 7:15 PM

6:10 PM 6:15 PM

5:10 PM 5:15 PM

Closing Remarks

8:15 PM 9:15 PM

7:15 PM 8:15 PM

6:15 PM 7:15 PM

5:15 PM 6:15 PM

Networking Cocktail Reception

Join us for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and face-to-face networking with peers.

Thursday - May 15,2025

10:30 AM 11:30 AM

9:30 AM 10:30 AM

8:30 AM 9:30 AM

7:30 AM 8:30 AM

Networking Breakfast

11:00 AM 2:00 PM

10:00 AM 1:00 PM

9:00 AM 12:00 PM

8:00 AM 11:00 AM

Registration Desk Open

10:30 AM 4:15 PM

9:30 AM 3:15 PM

8:30 AM 2:15 PM

7:30 AM 1:15 PM

Exhibit Hall Open

11:30 AM 11:40 AM

10:30 AM 10:40 AM

9:30 AM 9:40 AM

8:30 AM 8:40 AM

Welcome Remarks and Day One Takeaways

11:40 AM 12:25 PM

10:40 AM 11:25 AM

9:40 AM 10:25 AM

8:40 AM 9:25 AM

Maintaining Stability in Medicare Advantage Amid an Evolving Landscape

  • Assess strategies for retaining and engaging members amid shifting reimbursement models and market uncertainties 
  • Explore financial sustainability approaches to mitigate revenue disruption and ensure long-term program viability 
  • Identify best practices for adapting risk adjustment and payment models to maintain compliance and optimize performance 


Susan Waterman RHIT, CCS, CPC, CRC, Director of Risk Adjustment,  

Baylor Scott and White Healthcare 


Mary Inman, Partner   

Whistleblower Partners 


Jenni Monfils, CPC, CDEO, CRC | AVP, Risk Adjustment Coding and Compliance 

Molina HealthCare   

12:25 PM 1:10 PM

11:25 AM 12:10 PM

10:25 AM 11:10 AM

9:25 AM 10:10 AM

Boosting Star Ratings: Aligning Accurate Documentation with Quality Performance

  • Analyze the connection between risk adjustment accuracy and Star Ratings, identifying key areas where documentation impacts quality performance 
  • Evaluate how risk-adjusted data can be used to close gaps in care, improving preventive screening rates and chronic disease management 
  • Discuss strategies for aligning risk adjustment efforts with Star Rating measures, including medication adherence, HEDIS, and CAHPS scores 


Dr. Shannon Decker, PhD, MBA, MBA, M.Ed., M.Ed, Founder & CEO 
VBC One  

Eden Anne Encarnacion, MHA, Sr. Manager, HEDIS - Medicare Star Program 
Blue Shield of California 

Tina Dueringer, BSN, RN, CCM, PCC, CEO, Principal Advisor 
Dueringer Advisors Inc 

Jenn Kerfoot, Chief Strategy & Growth Officer 

1:10 PM 1:35 PM

12:10 PM 12:35 PM

11:10 AM 11:35 AM

10:10 AM 10:35 AM

Networking Break

Concurrent Session 1:35 PM - 2:20 PM 12:35 PM - 1:20 PM 11:35 AM - 12:20 PM 10:35 AM - 11:20 AM
Track Chairs:

1:35 PM 2:20 PM

12:35 PM 1:20 PM

11:35 AM 12:20 PM

10:35 AM 11:20 AM

Track A:  Mastering Compliance

Navigating Compliance in the Age of AI: Balancing Innovation and Regulation

  • Examine the evolving regulatory landscape surrounding AI and emerging technologies in compliance 
  • Design effective approaches for integrating AI while ensuring adherence to compliance standards 
  • Support the optimization of quality metrics and other key provider organization needs through AI-driven solutions 

1:35 PM 2:20 PM

12:35 PM 1:20 PM

11:35 AM 12:20 PM

10:35 AM 11:20 AM

Track B: Strengthening Partnerships

Empowering Providers Through Education: A Blueprint for Success

  • Assess organizational needs and identify opportunities to enhance provider education through technology, AI/NLP tools, staffing, and advanced analytics 
  • Outline the essential building blocks of an effective provider education program, using a structured approach  
  • Measure and refine the success of provider education programs through key performance indicators (KPIs) and ongoing evaluation methods  


Jeannine Bumford, Director, Risk Adjustment Operations 

Christus Health 


Rafael J. Gonzalez MD,Director of Clinical Coding & Clinical Documentation Integrity  

Leon Medical Centers/Leon Health

2:20 PM 2:25 PM

1:20 PM 1:25 PM

12:20 PM 12:25 PM

11:20 AM 11:25 AM

Session Transition

Concurrent Session 2:25 PM - 3:10 PM 1:25 PM - 2:10 PM 12:25 PM - 1:10 PM 11:25 AM - 12:10 PM
Track Chairs:

2:25 PM 3:10 PM

1:25 PM 2:10 PM

12:25 PM 1:10 PM

11:25 AM 12:10 PM

Track A:  Mastering Compliance

Compliance at the Core: Mitigating Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

  • Identify the most common fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA) risks, including upcoding, duplicate claims, and unsupported diagnoses 
  • Explore best practices for engaging executive leadership in compliance efforts, fostering a culture of risk management and accountability 
  • Examine recent DOJ enforcement actions and CMS compliance initiatives to understand how regulatory bodies are targeting FWA 


Mary Inman, Partner   
Whistleblower Partners 

Annie Shieh, AVP, Compliance 
Molina Healthcare, Inc. 

Colleen Gianatasio, Vice President of Compliance 
CoventBridge Group 

2:25 PM 3:10 PM

1:25 PM 2:10 PM

12:25 PM 1:10 PM

11:25 AM 12:10 PM

Track B: Strengthening Partnerships

Breaking Down Silos in Risk Adjustment

  • Evaluate the connection between risk adjustment, Star Ratings, and quality measures, and how collaboration can improve both financial and clinical outcomes 
  • Implement a framework for cross-functional collaboration, leveraging AI-driven analytics, internal auditing, and care coordination to optimize RA performance 
  • Develop strategies for integrating data, analytics, and reporting across risk adjustment, finance, and compliance teams  



Ryan Dodson, CRC, Risk Adjustment Consultant 

Choice Medical Group 


Hemanshu Patel, MD, CMO, CMtO,   

CareMD Inc 

Concurrent Session 3:10 PM - 3:25 PM 2:10 PM - 2:25 PM 1:10 PM - 1:25 PM 12:10 PM - 12:25 PM
Track Chairs:

3:10 PM 3:25 PM

2:10 PM 2:25 PM

1:10 PM 1:25 PM

12:10 PM 12:25 PM

Track A:  Mastering Compliance

Tools & Technology Spotlights

Leading service providers will showcase their offerings in a quick-pitch setting. Evaluate the latest and greatest tech tools to bring back to your organization.

3:10 PM 3:25 PM

2:10 PM 2:25 PM

1:10 PM 1:25 PM

12:10 PM 12:25 PM

Track B: Strengthening Partnerships

Tools & Technology Spotlights

Leading service providers will showcase their offerings in a quick-pitch setting. Evaluate the latest and greatest tech tools to bring back to your organization. 

3:25 PM 4:25 PM

2:25 PM 3:25 PM

1:25 PM 2:25 PM

12:25 PM 1:25 PM

Networking Lunch

Concurrent Session 4:25 PM - 5:10 PM 3:25 PM - 4:10 PM 2:25 PM - 3:10 PM 1:25 PM - 2:10 PM
Track Chairs:

4:25 PM 5:10 PM

3:25 PM 4:10 PM

2:25 PM 3:10 PM

1:25 PM 2:10 PM

Track A:  Mastering Compliance

V28 in Full Effect: Evaluating the Financial and Clinical Impact of the Fully Blended Model

  • Analyze the current landscape of the V28 transition, assessing where payers and providers have landed  
  • Evaluate whether the rollout of V28 met expectations or presented unforeseen challenges, including coding shifts and risk score fluctuations 
  • Examine the disease states most affected by V28 and their impact on different Medicare Advantage plan types, including C-SNPs, D-SNPs, and standard MA plans  


LaNae Coffey, AVP of Sales,  

Donna Malone, CPC, CRC, AAPC Approved Instructor, AHCCA, RAP 
Director Clinical Documentation and Quality Improvement (CDQI) 

Rafael J. Gonzalez MD, Director of Clinical Coding & Clinical Documentation Integrity  
Leon Medical Centers/Leon Health 

4:25 PM 5:10 PM

3:25 PM 4:10 PM

2:25 PM 3:10 PM

1:25 PM 2:10 PM

Track B: Strengthening Partnerships

Risk Adjustment in ACOs: Strategies for Financial Sustainability

  • Analyze the role of risk adjustment in ACO payment models, including shared savings, capitation, and full-risk arrangements 
  • Discuss key challenges ACOs face in risk adjustment, including data capture, patient attribution, and provider engagement  
  • Examine how ACO REACH incorporates risk adjustment methodologies and its impact on health equity and financial sustainability 

5:10 PM 5:15 PM

4:10 PM 4:15 PM

3:10 PM 3:15 PM

2:10 PM 2:15 PM

Session Transition

5:15 PM 5:55 PM

4:15 PM 4:55 PM

3:15 PM 3:55 PM

2:15 PM 2:55 PM

Industry Leader Conclusion Panel: Lessons Learned

  • Reflect on key takeaways from the conference, highlighting successful strategies for navigating the evolving landscape of Risk Adjustment  
  • Enhance strategies for communicating complex Risk Adjustment concepts to leadership for improved decision-making 
  • Evaluate the role of proactive preparation and ongoing practice in optimizing audit outcomes 


Deb Curry, MBA, RHIA, CCS-P, CRC, RAP, AHCCA, Director Risk Adjustment & Recoveries,   

Paramount Healthcare/ProMedica Health System 

5:55 PM 6:00 PM

4:55 PM 5:00 PM

3:55 PM 4:00 PM

2:55 PM 3:00 PM

Closing Remarks